Friday, 24 February 2012

Where did all the nice kids go...?

After a difficult couple of years it is safe to say that I am slowly losing faith in people. Or, at least, the overall goodness in humanity that I see from day to day. As a child I naively thought that Disney had it pretty spot on and eventually, only good things happened to good people. Yes, of course something frightfully horrid and unpleasant had to take place (and in recent years those tragedies have become so heart wrenching that I have been known to wipe away more than one lone tear from sad wee eyes), however, when push came to shove (also know as 'by the end of the film'), there was always a happy ending for the heroine, and in this life that would be the part I play. And just to make sure things were right, while our heroine gets love and more the bad guys get their comeuppance. Whether that be being trapped in a genie's lamp for all eternity or at the hand of a Robin Hood arrow, it matters not. 

Even away from the cheese of Disney, lets take Austen, still we find that after a little tricky dicky situation all comes good and everyone runs away with everything that they ever wanted. This is, of course, entirely unrealistic and leaves real life falling a little short of these fairytale endings.

I am now 27 and supposedly wiser than my Disney watching wide eyed childhood self and yet the lack of happy endings in my life and others around me are only really becoming clear now. Watching so much Disney, Austen and musical extravaganza I really only have myself to blame for this and blame myself I do. We, apparently, can't live up to happily ever after. 

It is not only the happily ever after fables that have given me this warped perception of the world, it is also the fault of both The Blonde One and Dynasty. They are too good to me. I have had so many years of their kindness, wit and brilliance that I expect every single person I meet in life to meet up to their exacting standards. I don't hold up to these high standards, so thinking everyone else can is altogether hypercritical, but these are my expectations and they are hard to shift. 

I am not saying that all my other friends are the shits on the shoes of The Blonde One and Dynasty, don't be ridiculous. For one thing, some of them don't even deserve the title 'the shit on the shoe...', I'm not sure they quite live up the mere 'poo particles' that make up the shit, let alone whole pieces of shit themselves. I sound cruel. Of course I have made a whole group of bloody spiffy new friends that deserve no such harsh words. The Country One, for example, is one of the reasons I have not committed mass murder of numerous occasions in the past few months. I only use The Blonde One and Dynasty because they are old trusted friends that have more than stood the test of time with displays of undying love and have been there time and time again when my faith in humanity is waving. 

The older I get the more I realise that I am truly lucky to have such amazing individuals as friends. And I get to call them 'Best friends' and everything. I could quite literally jump them frequently. I love them more than Nutella. Need I go on with this public display of affection!? 

Here's the problem, as I see it; with these expectations set unrealistically high I have become disillusioned with the rest of the human race. These poor schmucks are wandering around the planet behaving like every other human and I can't help but think 'what a bitch!', just because they don't go that extra mile that I know The Blonde One, Dynasty and a handful of my other friends would go. 

I forget that, deep down, not everyone is good.

I know without these demons of society we would not appreciate the true greats of humanity, but why, can someone tell me, do these evil wrong doers not end up being thrown off a castle by The Beast? Or left alone and sad with only their frail and boorish daughter for company? Why do the cuntish not get put in jail for being evil wankers? Maybe the questions should not be those, perhaps the question should read; why have I been engrossed in these tales of good vs evil if they have simply lead me to confusion and heartache over the unkind nature of others? 

I don't expect everyone to run along the meadows befriending small animals, nor do I expect everyone to quit their jobs and become charity volunteers living off the kindness of others. It would hardly be fair to give up everything that you have worked hard for, that is not what I am perplexed about. I simply don't understand why some people can't and don't feel guilty about their treatment of others? 

If everyone was just a little more considerate and a little less self centred the world would surely resemble It's A Wonderful Life or Pride and Prejudice and be a little less like Resident Evil or Nightmare on Elm Street. 

Movements such as ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) clothes, are becoming fewer and acts of mindless vandalism are becoming common place. I am not saying all is lost, I have not given up hope and I am not saying that this generation is worse than any other, more that I am suddenly noticing that the longer I plod on with this life of mine the further I am from my happy ending and I'm sure, as a little girl, I was edging closer toward the good ship lolly pop, not further away. 

I admit to sometimes saying a few harsh words at the soppy happy endings that ruin some half decent films, but right now, with my faith in the world being lower than the temperature of the North Pole, I would take that happily ever after and I would run. 

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