Monday, 25 March 2013

I just wanna wish you well...

I have a worry and my worry is this; yes, I know that I'm more than capable of moving on from The Boy (yes, him again, pipe down), the process is already in full swing, but I wonder; will there always be a tiny place in my heart that belongs to him and him alone? I feel there's a real possibility of that being the case.

There are times where all I want to do is share something with him, I laugh at some comment or story I am being told and his face pops into my head. *puff* And there he is. "Oh, The Boy would love this" I think "I must tell him!" and while I'm summing up whether I should send him a witty message there and then or wait until I see him in person, it suddenly dawns on me that, I won't see him in the flesh and we can't message each other anymore. This is the point when my eyes do that achey thing and my heart becomes heavier than an obese whale. I think about the last time we spoke and how horribly awkward and hurt I felt and I want to do a little cry. Of course, this is when my brain kicks in, mentally slaps me and forces his face to the back of my mind (bravo brain!). Which in itself is upsetting seeing as it's such a nice face. Bastard.

Yesterday I met up with a beyond wonderful tweeter who I shall call The Daddy One, and I shared a particularly humiliating "pillow talk" story that happened between me and The Boy. The Daddy One politely shared his own hilarious pillow talk story that rendered me speechless. No easy task. We both agreed his story made mine look completely normal. Well, we all talk about World War II post boom-chicka-wa-waaa, right? No? Well, now you've just made this awkward. I hope you're happy.

The Daddy One's story was witty. It was fun. And it was definitely worse than mine. *phew*

Two things immediately popped into my head; the first was how amazing it felt to find a boy who laughed at my awkwardness in a warm and friendly way. A boy to whom my quirky musings were a turn on and had lead him to present me with verbal grapes and flowers. Not many would have dealt with my incredibly unsexy pillow talk in such a comical manner. This is a rare trait and I have decided it is one I shall miss a great deal. Oh, here come those achey eyes again.

The second thing that came rushing to the front of my mind whilst listening to The Daddy One's story was how amusing The Boy would find it. Oh, how we will laugh at the realisation that I am not in fact the least sexy pillow talker in all the land. And then how he will mock me all over again for my WWII naked chit chat and then... Oh. Right. We don't talk anymore. That's the badger. How terribly annoying. Bugger.

The Boy and I have been playing this impossible back and forth game for so long and have built up such a bank of memories I worry that now it's all over, there will forever be times, when I'm not quick enough to stop myself, that my mind will leap frog to his face and a memory we have made. I'm not saying that I don't love the memories I have with this boy, this emotional fuck wit of a man (unintentionally, though it may be), far from it, but I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life when I don't think about him and sigh at what could have been if things were different.

They say you can't choose who you love, they have a point. I may still be hurting at his absence, but I know, or rather I hope that one day soon I'll be able to dedicate a rendition of Danke Schoen to him and I shall smile at what we once had. "Thank you for all the joy and pain..."

Now please excuse me while I eat my own body weight in pasta followed by a drowning of Nutella. Who says a broken heart can't be productive.


  1. This really hit close to home for me. I'm dealing with a similar situation, my boy left our new, happy relationship to move across the country to further his dream career. I'm so happy for him, and we're still friends but I have 100 of those moments every day where I wish I could share something that only he would appreciate. Many of them I still can, and I'm thankful for that, but it also makes it harder because while on the surface many things are the same, they will never be what they used to. I feel so deeply for you and I hope you're able to work through the pain and come out on the other side stronger, smarter and ready to love again. In the meantime- pass the Nutella and a spoon.

    1. I'm glad you could relate to my feelings of hope and pain. That's all I ever want. But I'm also sorry that you know how it feels. Not having him as a friend is the hardest thing to cope with. And knowing that we tried to be friends but he couldn't "just be friends" messes me up even further. He cares, so why can't we be together!? But I have to move on now. I hope someone comes along to mend your aching heart soon!! Thank you, for commenting. xx

  2. That ache you feel when you can't do that any more. Crippling sometimes isn't it?

    When you try to tell that section of your head and your heart it's no longer, time heals and things pass and you'll be okay. When you're weeping in the supermarket when you see a pudding you once shared and just scream at the shelf stacker to just SCOOP THAT BIT OF YOUR BRAIN OUT. The bit with That Person in it.
    Because it's the only way.

    But then feel sad because, if that happened, if it was scooped out, then you wouldn't have so many lovely memories. The good one's that outweigh the bad and make you feel able to get on, move past that feeling, and into another chapter of your life. Because you felt like that and can again, and hey! Next time it might even be better.

    Nope. Not been there at all.

    Chin up darlin' - and hope blogging it helps.

    Now, what's this pillow talk story all about?

  3. SPENCER!! You always say the most beautiful things. I am going to shrink you down and keep you in my pocket for all time. Everything you say makes sense and makes me feel so much better. You wonderful, WONDERFUL person. I know I will move on but I've decided to accept that he may always be in my heart. And I'm going to have to be fine with that. for these pillow talk stories; that's for a different post! ; ) xx
