Tuesday 12 April 2011

Walk your way to health...

As I begin this post I have had to set my spotify to 'Walk of Life' by Dire Straits (my dad would be so proud!). I hope it will soon become clear why...

...On Saturday, the day after I finished my placement, drugged up with pain killers I travelled to North London to Dynasty's flat to meet her, The Blonde One and Dynasty's two younger sisters to embark on an 18 mile walk around London all in the name of Charity. The Walk of Life is seeming like an inspired song choice now isn't it!?

The Charity in question is F.R.O.G.S...friends of Gambian Schools, and one of Dynasty's sister's is travelling to Gambia to help set up a school and fill the school with enough resources so that all the children will be able to access a fair education. She speaks about the walk on her blog All About Abbie , so if you want to read more head on over.

And for pictures of our brilliant day just read and click on the post from Dynasty herself at The Style PA.

Although I was rather ill on the day itself and had to drug (legal painkillers I thank you) myself up several times throughout the day, and although I now have a delightful blister just under my big toe that is as beautiful to look at as it is painful, I have well and truly got the walking bug. Being outside in the blazing sunshine seeing so much of London and pondering how many other people had stood where I was walking or gazed out onto the same view I was gazing out at was a really nice feeling.

It was also a bloody fantastic way to spend a day with my two best friends and two of my honorary sisters. Just as The Blonde One and I do on road trips, as we embarked on our walk around the capital city we decided to play 'travel games'. Understandably walking around London it was not appropriate to spot 'Eddie Stobart' lorries (if you have not tried this game when travelling along the motorway you must. When I was introduced to it, The Blonde One and I were travelling to Manchester and I thought she had gone slightly mad. Well she had, but not for this reason. Spotting Eddie Stobart lorries? Why would I give a flying fuck? But by the time I had spotted 12 lorries I was hooked. London to Manchester on a cold Thursday morning in October The Blonde One and I spotted 57. It's exciting stuff, I tell thee. I recently got my cousin - the cool London girl about town one- into this game and will not stop introducing it until all my travel buddies are as obsessed as I...) so we decided to give ourselves wee items to try and spot as we walked. I know 'London Black Cab' was one item as was a 'clock face', but I think the more unusual spots such as 'a ginger child' or 'a jogger in need of a sports bra' were far more entertaining and amusing to spot.  

And here is where I must have a very quick and very out-of-character rant...anyone planning on keeping fit this summer by riding through Hyde Park on a Row Bike, don't. You look pretentious, you take up too much space and frankly, you make everyone around you want to trip you up, and that is before you pass a group of walking girls for the third time yelling 'Move out the way' or 'Coming through'... I have never wanted to put a stick through a bike wheel before, but I came pretty close on Saturday. However, as we were walking for Charity, I thought better of it and instead gave my most ferocious stare. It's terrifying.

As for the rest of you, I suggest you get on your good trainers (or only trainers as in my case) and get yourself walking...and if you need any inspiration, how about a little Dire Straits on the ipod....?

Where next? The Yorkshire Moors or the Scottish Highlands?