We all have those 'go-to' items that we depend upon when all else fails. That dress that you wear and end up loving when nothing else looks right (mine is a beaut of a Zara number and only cost me twenty of your English pounds. Possibly the best buy of my life. And it happens to be in a twenties style which fits in very nicely with lasting 'Boardwalk Empire' obsession). When I need to cry but can't let go of my emotions for long enough to allow myself to, I put on the beautifully heartfelt 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' staring Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickamn and those built up tears come pouring from my eyes. When I have scared myself something rotten and simply can't face sleeping alone, I put on the British classic that is 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' (I can very nearly quote to whole film, and yes, I am terribly proud of that fact) or possibly 'Overbored', the film where Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell met and fell in love (and yes, I am down with that script too!). And when I am sad, nervous or anxious I always turn to Yann Tiersen, or more accurately, to his music. His simple melodies always calm my frantically over-active mind and help me relax. In times of grief when I cannot bring myself to speak, I put on the music I own by Tiersen and I drown in my own thoughts. He fills my silence and helps me feel alone and surrounded all at once.
When My Little Dragon died it was Tiersen's music that allowed me to be on my own and not lose myself to my silent and constant tears. When I had to change my second year placement school (due to the first schools annoyance at my audacity to attend a funeral. How could I be so selfish!? I mean, a funeral. What fun!) it was Tiersen that I programmed my iPod to to see me through the long bus journey on my first truly nerve racking day. This does work in reverse, of course, and I also rape the repeat button on my favourite Tiersen pieces when sublimely happy. Last week when walking along the sea front a man asked what I was on to make me look so happy. My inner judge could not allow such a wanky reply as 'Just Yann' to pass my lips, so I simply smiled and shrugged. I know, I'm a cowardly whimp.
Tomorrow I must attend a funeral and I am dreading it for so many reasons, so it's Tiersen that I turn to now to stop me from being consumed with emotion. I know Tiersen will see me through the day and help me when it is all over no matter how I am feeling, and I deeply recommend this to everyone. My 'go-to' items have saved me time, effort and unnecessary emotion, when emotion feels as if it may consume me whole without so much as a single chew. Being able to grab that specific item or play that specific song without thinking can be the difference between making it on time to a party or not or the difference between getting out of bed in the morning ready for the day ahead and spending all day alone with only your tears for company.We all need help to get through pain, Tiersen just happens to be there for me when I can't find my way to my very favourite people.
I share with you HERE just one piece of Tiersen's music that helps pull me through and if it helps you then my work here is done...
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