Saturday 12 March 2011

Boardwalk new obsession.

There is nothing I like better than getting completely engrossed into a new drama and with the end of 'Downton Abbey' last year, I was wondering what that new drama could be.

I am in the middle of my third and final teaching practice at the moment. I will not bore you with all the ins and outs of the what one has to do on a teaching practice, as I have already mentioned how very exhausting I find it (not that I am complaining, I bloody love it). However, what I will say is that getting lost in a new drama is the perfect way to escape from all the expectation that befall a trainee teacher.

A close friend of mine has recently been declaring (or more acutely, not shutting up about) his love for HBO's new Atlantic City gangster drama 'Boardwalk Empire', and so I thought it was worth a shot. Boy, was he right. I still must find a fitting way to thank him, but that is another blog for a different time.

A still shot from the opening credits - Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson (it excites me just to look at a still...I think I may need help.)

I have not been so engrossed in a new programme since the first series of House first aired on Hallmark all those years ago. For me, the show has everything; brilliant actors delivering a simple but effective script; a Chanel-esk twenties wardrobe that could inspire any fashion week (my friend and I are especially in love with the hats that the male cast members wear - perhaps an idea for his 'thank you present'?); several love sub-plots; enough violence that even Tarantino couldn't complain; possibly the coolest era of American history and did I mention the naked ladies? I believe there is one in every other scene. Now, this doesn't particularly appeal to me, but it also doesn't take anything away either, and my goodness, it does appease the male viewers somewhat. I think my favourite 'naked' scene, would be the naked female ukulele player during a business meeting. Why is she there? Well, that's never quite clear, but it seems, like the answer to most questions around Boardwalk Empire, the answer is simply, why not!?  

If you don't have a penchant for violence, then perhaps you should give this one a miss. I would say there is an 'arghhh' moment at least three or four times in every episode - so far. For me, this just keeps me in my seat watching (even if my hands are hindering my view at times), but I know many others that would rather watch paint dry than see a detective reach into a mans insides and press down until the man gives the dectective the information he is after.

And so to the characters themselves. Unlike most people, my favourite character is not immediately obvious. It is not either of the main male characters Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson (Steve Buscemi) or James 'Jimmy' Darmody (Michael Pitt); both perfect choices, I might add. It is not the violent Al Capone played by the convincing Stephen Graham, nor is it the mild mannered yet gutsy Margaret Schroeder played by the very talented Scottish beauty, Kelly MacDonald. My favourite character is none other than Eddie Kessler. For those of you who have seen this programme, I would forgive for not necessarily knowing this character by name.

Eddie Kessler is none other than Nucky's assistant and is brilliantly played by Anthony Laciura, an American Opera tenor I have since discovered. I don't know what is it that I love. Is it the characters terrible timing?  - Knocking rather loudly while Nucky was being naughty with his 'gal pal' and justifying this by saying 'I heard Screaming!?' was a particular favourite. - It is this, but it's so much more. Laciura plays the proud employee with the perfect balance of conviction and compliance. Yes, the script has a lot to do with this, however, the part could so easily be overly played for laughs. I do find Laciura's Kessler amusing, however, it's the perfect blend of humour and drama.
The wonderful Anthony Laciura's portrayal of Eddie Kessler

I am getting that 'end of book' feeling (the 'I-can't-wait-to-finish-this-but-what-the-fuck-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-time/life-now' Just me?) as the series draws to an end. This is a rare feeling with a tv programmes. The characters are becoming more complex with the creeps getting, well, creepier and the tension building far quicker than the builders on next doors property. It's all I can do not to talk/yell at the screen every time something exciting happens, which is pretty much every few minutes with the gaps between yells getting fewer and far between as the series goes on. I think my flatmate is going to kill me if I watch anymore episodes when he is in. He even requested that I wait for 'just half an hour' to start the last episode I watched until he had gone out. This suited me just fine; I like to give my new favourite people my full attention.

The only problem with a series like this is that I am starting to ignore the 'real' people in my life for the more interesting folks of Atlantic City. If I wish hard enough, do we think Eddie Kessler will turn up at my door step??

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