Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Nutella and Go...

I apologise to anyone that is not a fan of Nutella as this post is basically a love letter, of sorts, to one of my favourite things in all the world.

However I am feeling, whatever mood I am in, Nutella is always the best choice. Without doubt. Whether I am celebrating, feeling hurt, angry and lost or just fancy a wee treat, Nutella is always my first port of call.

I cannot remember who introduced me to this wonderful spread (if I did, I would be campaigning for their Knighthood), but ever since I can remember I have always loved it. No, scrap that, adored it. UTTERLY adored it. I always have and I always will. It's by far my longest love affair and for someone who becomes a little scared when thinking about relationships, for me Nutella replaces those boyfriends I can, at times, shy away from. Perhaps if they stopped buying flowers and starting buying jars of Nutella I would feel as romantic as they do, or perhaps I would just run to the shop and buy some crumpets to spread it on!? Who can tell.

As I sit here feeling uncomfortable from the addition of someone I once considered one of my closest friends but now could barely call an acquaintance, frustrated by her presence and my utter lack of motivation to complete the final leg of my degree, is it The Nice One that cheers me up? No, he's off walking and taking in the beauty of The Countryside; is it some new beau? Hell no, don't you know me at all by now; is it Dynasty? Nope, she's off on a NYC adventure with her boyfriend 'The Ginger Grump', ah, could it be The Blonde One? Alas, she is travelling up from our home town to rejoin the boyfriend in the move half a mile or so away from their current London abode. No, it is of course Nutella. Nutella and Go to be accurate. My mother recently bought me back eight 'Nutella and Go' pots from her day trip to France. In my humble opinion, that is love. Thank you, mummy. You know me well.

The small fact that Britain does not sell Nutella and Go fills me with mixed views. Although, I am clearly devastated that I cannot get my hands on something that can turn my day from one of utter shite to one of pure bliss as easily as the rest of the continent, a small part of me knows that I would become the size of Russia with a massive debt from living off my favourite snack if it were so freely available. As a child I was allowed a jar of Nutella perhaps twice a year; at Christmas (to be able to enjoy for my Christmas Breakfast, a tradition that I refuse to break even into my adult life) and one for my summer holiday abroad and I feel this worked well. I viewed Nutella as a rare treat and would saviour every single moment we shared. I wish I was even slightly exaggerating this now, however, I really did view Nutella in higher esteem than the majority of my primary school teachers put together.

I just wanted to dedicate a post to something that has been in my life for as long as I can remember and one that I love more than I love most people (that didn't sound quite Annie Wilkes from Misery in my head...crumbs!). For most things in life, I can do with the cheaper fake-o-no-make-o version, I am a student after all, but if you can't have Nutella, there is really no point in having chocolate spread at all. So do I care that you're all probably thinking 'step away from the Nutella jar, tubby?' or even 'I think this girl needs some therapy'...? Of course not, I have my Nutella and Go...

...utter bliss.

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