Sunday 12 June 2011

Come Si Chiama...

I am pleased to announce that I am finally an aunt. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

It happened! Sister gave birth on Wednesday evening after one of the most traumatic births going. Four weeks worth of contractions (I kid you not), hours of pushing and several complications later, my little niece (little, ahem, 8 pounds 10...and Sister is only 5 ft) was finally born and Thank Fook, they are both doing well. And if I am perfectly honest, my niece is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. What's more exciting; I am her Godmother too. I may implode. 

Sister, Dr. Karl (brother - in - law) and Mum went racing off to the hospital at 6am in the morning and I was left all day to sit and wait as my niece decided to fall asleep just before the last hurdle and so wasn't born until 9.25 in the evening. I have never been so restless in all my life. I had so much nervous energy throughout the day that I ended up teaching myself 'O Mio Babbino Caro' along with the translation. And this from someone who is dyslexic and tone-deaf. It was no easy task, but boy did it take my mind off things. Well, to be truthful with you, that's a lie on a massive scale, but it did make the time spent waiting feel like just half an eternity as opposed to a whole one. 

And with this Italian theme (seeing as the song is written in Italian) it seemed fitting that my niece be given the Italian name of 'Livia'. My Italian Nanny would have been so very proud. I even, and rather dorkily said to her 'Piacere di conoscerla, Livia!' (rough translation; pleased to meet you, Livia!) whilst giving her a wee hug. I wish I was kidding you here, but I am that much of a dork. What can I say, I am a rather proud Italian who wishes her Nanny had taught her the language from birth. Instead, I am teaching myself, and probably doing a bad job of it, especially when you consider that I just can't roll my R's unless situated behind a T or P. Those of you that can, consider yourselves very lucky. I am jealous beyond belief. As you can see, my Italian may take me until I'm 95 to become fluent, but by Jove I shall. However, as I now know all the words to 'O Mio Babbino Caro' and their meanings, I am well on my way. Huzzah, I tell you. 

So thank you little Livia, not only are you the cutest thing in the world bar absolutely nothing, I can now also sing along (if not very badly) to one of my all time favourite aria's ever written. It really was a win win day all around. 

Now forgive me, I must go and stalk my niece for a little while longer. Three days just hasn't been enough so far...

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