Monday 4 July 2011

A million love songs and Take That...

Last week I met up with an old friend of mine, The Keen One, from back home and for the whole evening I was transported back to my 10 year old self. Although, I don't think I ever swore quite so much when I was 10.

Had I spent my childhood growing up with The Keen One and therefore spent a lovely evening on a trip down memory lane? No. I didn't even meet The Keen One until I was 22. Confused as to why I would be transported back then!? Let me explain. On the evening we met up we spent one marvellous night, sun set and all in the company of Take That. Take-bloody-That. Well, them and around 85 thousands others, but you get my point.

There may be many of you out there that are far too cool to be excited by Take That, but I, for sure, am not one of them. Although, on the whole I am in no way a fan of teeny bopping boy bands, my childhood self was. Actually, she wasn't; I just bloody loved Take That, but the sentence seemed to fit and I went with it. As a child I definitely did not have a Take That pencil case and stationary set nor did I own any of their videos. Nope, not one (just in case any of you are unsure,
I am of course lying here...I had the lot. Huzzah).

I was actually apprehensive to go the concert at first as The Keen One and I have a history. It's only a very brief history containing a few dates, the odd kiss and nothing more, but the very sweet Keen One has a tendency to ask me out (a lot!!) whenever he finds himself single (hence the name). It's heartbreaking. He is far too lovely to simply say 'piss off, love, I'm just not interested' no matter how many times he continues to ask. He's far more sensitive than I am and even I think that's a little harsh. Just because I'm (can be...) emotionally unavailable doesn't mean others should suffer. But as luck would have it, our darling boy has gone and got himself a girlfriend. Score. A evening with a nice friend, Take That and not an uncomfortable conversation once. Double score, in fact.

No, I can honestly say that the whole evening was utterly brilliant. Even Robbie, whom I'm not the biggest fan of had me up on my feet screaming like some possessed lone. Actually, he was bloody brilliant. The man knows how to work a crowd, especially his naughty ad-lib ditty to the tune of 'That's Entertainment'. With the added genius of a sentence about 'super-injunctions'. Tres bien, sir. The cutest wee (just) teenager in front of me giggling with shock every time Robbie swore (and boy did he swear) was the icing on the cake.

But back to the music. Their new songs were just fabulous and in true Take That style, very spectacular. As was (surprisingly) Robbie's wee solo section. I even sang along to Angel's. And I really don't like that song. Really don't like it. But my absolute favourite section, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was the five of them rocking out the old classics. Just a small melody including (eek, eek, eek!) Everything Changes and Babe!! but it really stood out to me. As it would to any old school fan. When the crowd sang out 'Come on, come on, come on Take That and party...' the boys (man band, sorry Gary, man bad) delighted us all with the old dance moves. By Jove they've still got it.

The most random yet surprisingly good moment was Mark (Aw, my childhood love) insisting we all sing 'God Save Our Queen' as we were in the national stadium. Bizarre, yes, but still I found myself singing my heart out.

I'd promised a friend of mine that I'd keep her updated via twitter. I'm so sorry The Darling One, at a time like that, tweeting on my phone ran straight out of mind and straight onto the nearest train. There was a spectacular to behold, I couldn't remember to look down at my phone. But fear not, I took photo's.

And finally, I don't think it takes a hard core fan to work out what their closing song was. Pure cheese perfection. So much so that I had to phone my best friend, The Blonde One (Dynasty is way too cool to be seen with anything Take That related. She's missing out) and managed to leave her a 2 minute voicemail. Verse and Chorus! She'll Never Forget it (sorry, I was not strong enough to resist that pun). I think she liked the voicemail, for this was her reply 'Hahahahahahahahaaa.....I FUCKING LOVE YOU xx'

Which I believe sums my trip to Wembley completely; Take That, I still FUCKING LOVE YOU. That is all. 

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