Monday 25 July 2011

Not Tonight...Dynasty

I don't know about you but Monday mornings are something that do not put a smile on my face. Far from it. My weekends are always filled with too many wonderful things that by the time Sunday evening rolls around I get that all too familiar Sunday evening knot in the pit of my stomach. I have always been the same (which is a phrase I seem to be using a lot in this blog. Perhaps I have not changed one iota since I was 10? That is a rather worrying thought), I remember when I was in year 6 and was so thoroughly engrossed in 'Pride and Prejudice' that when each of Sunday's episodes was over a double blow to the stomach would take place; a whole week until the next installment of Mr Darcy, Mr Bingley (I had such a crush on Crispin Bonham-Carter back in the day. Wait, I still do *sighs*) and all the Miss Bennett's AND school in the morning. To top it all, not one person at my school seemed to be watching this amazing adaptation, so I couldn't even converse about how dishy Mr Bingley was and how wicked Mr Wickham had turned out to be (who, as it happens, lives not too far from my humble abode and always smiles at me whenever I walk passed him. It's a day maker, every time. Mr Wickham - ok, ok, Adrian Lukis - has become rather dashing with age). Come to think of it, there was one other at school who was glued to the goings on at Longbourn but that happened to be the other year 6 class teacher and I was hardly going to rock up to her and say 'Hey, Mrs. B. Soooo, what did you think of Colin Firth diving into the lake? Hot stuff or what!?' I feel boundaries would have been crossed there. Inappropriate boundaries. Although I do remember her asking if I was excited for the final episode and almost deafening the poor woman with my 'OH MY GOD!! TOTALLY!! YES!!' response. What can I say, when I like something, I get excited about it.

Anyway, I seem to be going off on a tangent which my English lecturer warns me that "I must try my very best not to". My reason for this post is that I'm thinking of trying something new. Well, not new exactly, adapted slightly would be better. During my final teaching practice I tried to email The Darling One, The Blonde One's Twin (not The Blonde One's actual twin, one of her is quite enough, but a friend who has taken on this persona and I simply can't remember why) and The Feline One a song everyday if I could to motivate us all through the hardship of our teaching practice. It's not that we didn't love our placements, but they are bloody hard work. You are on show At. All. Times, and if something goes awry it seems like the whole world may crash and burn at your feet. When you get into your stride, however, and you're teaching on your own there is nothing better. That's definitely a new teacher talking, isn't it. Get back to me in 20 years and I'll probably be rocking in a corner muttering 'Don't make me teach'. I paint a picture, don't I!?

So here is my idea; because I loved these wee motivational songs such a huge amount and because I find Monday mornings can be so distressing I have decided to post a wee song on my blog once a week to help motivate us all. It could be any song from the latest song I am raping the repeat button on to a beautiful piece of classical music that will keep me calm during the week ahead. There will always be a little story to tell you lucky lot why I have chosen that particular song and I will try, as much as humanly possible, to write out the lyrics. I don't know about you but I LOVE to sing along with all songs. Even songs I'm not a fan of. That's just how I roll.

Songs have always had a way of changing my mood and evoke feelings of pure elation through memory, atmosphere or just because they are damn catchy, so I'm hoping you feel the same.

Today's pick is going to be dedicated to Dynasty. Not only is she the bees bloody knees but she has also had some crappy news this week and if my little song can lift her spirits then so help me Zeus I will do it. It is so hard to choose though, from dirty hip hop tunes (Dynasty has a penchant for them I'm afraid, but some of the lyrics are just too naughty for this blog. And this from the girl that uses the C word) to cheesy musical extravaganzas, I have so many songs that I associate with this girl.

In the end, I plucked this song from a list of her favourites. I don't know it all that well, but here for Dynasty is a song I hope will lift her spirits for the rest of the week;

Nobody move, nobody get hurt

(please note that I do not own these lyrics, they belong to We Are Scientists...)
The day, you move, I'm probably gonna explode
It's true, I'm probably gonna explo-oh-oh-oh-oooh
You'll pray, for proof, I'm probably makin' this up
It's true, I'm probably makin' this u-uh-uh-uh-ooh

My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
Go for it, yeah

If no-one moves, then nobody's gonna get hurt
Don't move, 'cause nobody wants to get hu-uh-uh-uh-ooh
We'll pray, for proof, I'm probably makin' this up
It's true, I'm probably makin' this u-uh-uh-uh-ooh

My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
Go for it, yeah


My body is your body
I won't tell anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
My body is your body
I'm not just anybody
If you wanna use my body
Go for it, yeah
Go for it, yeah

All you have to do is press the title of the song (it's in orange) and hey presto! you will be listening to this ditty through the magic of YouTube. So, let's all just say a quick 'Fuck you, Monday' and have a dance...I dare you!

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