Monday 25 July 2011

Not Tonight...Little Tomato

Ok, I am feeling increasingly bad for my ridiculously poor timing on starting a weekly feature and not being able to see it through until I return from my graduation holiday with my darling parents in mid August. Note to self; Work on timing. So, here, and this really is the last one, is another song that has been my motivational song for years now.

Whenever someone is feeling blue I send them these marvellous lyrics and just typing them out plants a smile between my chubby cheeks (my cheeks were so chubby as a child that my doctor - and Sister's Godmother - told my mother she couldn't be a hundred per cent sure whether I had Mumps or not as the usual test was to see if the child looked like a hamster, and apparently I always looked like a hamster. Why then in the knowledge that I constantly resembled a hamster did my mother feel it necessary to have my auburn locks styled into the classic bowl cut? A wonky bowl cut at that. Did she want to draw attention to the chubbiness of my cheeks!? This is surely child cruelty!) where it remains for the whole day.

My mother's brother and wife introduced me to the Pink Martinis years ago and I have been obsessed with them ever since. I love how through one album you can be transported from a Parisian cafe to the hill tops of Spain and then over to Brazil. It's like a world cruise in the comfort of your living room. Bazinga!  

The Pink Martinis hail from America - Portland, Oregon to be precise - but have ancestry from all over the world and are very much inspired by this. Their songs are sung in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and even Arabic. Some songs have words and some don't. Most of the songs (or the first three albums that I own) I love with the exception of only a small handful.  

The song for this post is, as I said, one that really motivates me whatever my heart aches. Loss, love, work or just the sadness that has made up the news of late I find myself turning to this song at some point. When my Nanny, my Grandpa, my Little Dragon passed away I turned to this song. When my university refused, point blank, to let my teaching practice take place in a special needs school; when my female flatmate slapped our friendship in my face; when any boy took the piss, this song was there. My close friends will know it as it is my classic go-to song whenever grey skies threaten to ruin my day. I text the lyrics to Dynasty only yesterday. So here is one of my favourite all time songs to help motivate you if you ever feel blue...

P.S. The introduction is over a minute long, but please wait around for the words because China Forbes' mellow and relaxing voice is worth it. As ever, just click the title...

Pink Matinis 'Hang On Little Tomato'

The sun has left and forgotten me, it's dark I cannot see,
Why does this rain pour down I'm gonna drown in a sea of deep confusion,
Somebody told me I don't know who,
whenever you are sad and blue,
and you're feeling all alone and left behind,
just take a look inside you and you'll find,

You gotta hold on, hold on through the night,
Hang on, things will be all right,
even when it's dark and not a bit of sparkly
sing song sunshine from above spreading rays of sunny love,

Just hang on, hang on to the vine,
Stay on, soon you'll be divine,
If you start to cry, look up to the sky,
Somethings coming up ahead to turn your tears to dew instead,

And so I hold on to this advice,
when change it hard and not so nice,
if you listen to your heart the whole night through,
your sunny someday will come one day soon to you!
(Please note that I don't own this song or its lyrics. All rights go to Pink Martinis...)
I am not going to lie, I just had a sneaky listen and sang that out for all to hear. Literally. My bay window is open and I live on the ground floor. Thank goodness I am moving out tomorrow then. Right, I am off to pack for my holiday but promise to return with photos of Europe at its best, songs enough to fill this blog for the next year and a tan to justify my Grandmothers description of me as a 'You know, White person with a tan'. It's pronouced Italian Grandma, but thanks.

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